Hybrid batteries
For electric propulsion, the vehicle is equipped with two hybrid batteries. One is located under the tunnel console and one is located behind the rear seat in the trunk. These are maintenance-free and rechargeable lithium-ion batteries.
Some parts of the rear hybrid batteries are visible through a clear panel in the trunk. Only authorized workshop personnel may handle hybrid batteries.
The vehicle cannot be started if the hybrid battery is discharged.
If both the start battery and the hybrid battery are discharged, both batteries must be recharged. In this situation, it is not possible to first charge only the hybrid battery. The start battery must have a certain charge level in order for the hybrid battery to be charged.
Only a workshop may replace a hybrid battery – contact Polestar Customer Support.
Hybrid battery service life and capacity
The capacity of the hybrid battery decreases with age and use, which could result in increased use of the combustion engine, leading to higher fuel consumption and reduced electric motor range.
The hybrid battery's cooling system has its own expansion tank.

The hybrid battery's coolant should only be refilled by a workshop – contact Polestar Customer Support.
Specifications for hybrid battery
Type: Lithium-ion
Power reserve: 34 kWh.