Polestar 1 møter pressen
Polestar 1 byr på en helt unik kjøreopplevelse. Det er noe vi har sagt i lang tid. Så langt er det imidlertid bare Polestar-ansatte som har fått muligheten til å bekrefte dette. Bilkonstruktører, designere og så videre. Det ligger faglig tyngde bak vurderingene deres, men de er definitivt ikke upartiske.
![Three Polestar 1 cars parked in line on a forest road.](https://www.polestar.com/dato-assets/11286/1567425320-ps1testdrivestory.jpg?q=60&dpr=1&w=1248)
Derfor inviterte vi bilpressen til å prøve bilen selv. Journalister fra Norge, USA, Tyskland, Canada, Nederland, Storbritannia og (selvsagt) Sverige dro til Göteborg for å få sitte bak rattet og få sin helt egne kjøreopplevelse i Polestar.
Hver eneste journalist som kom ut av bilen, hadde et smil om munnen, enten etter å ha kjørt selv eller å ha sittet i passasjersetet på en av bilkonstruktøren Joakim Rydholms demonstrasjoner av dynamisk kjøring. Ikke en gang striregnet som er så typisk for den svenske sommeren, la en demper på stemningen. Se et utvalg av kommentarene deres under og klikk på dem for å lese artiklene:
![Front view of a white Polestar 1 driving on a forest road.](https://www.polestar.com/dato-assets/11286/1575015931-ps1testdrivestory01.jpg?q=60&dpr=1&w=1248)
![People gathered on a forest road next to a parked Polestar 1.](https://www.polestar.com/dato-assets/11286/1575015937-ps1testdrivestory02.jpg?q=60&dpr=1&w=1248)
![Close-up of the left front of a white Polestar 1.](https://www.polestar.com/dato-assets/11286/1575015941-ps1testdrivestory03.jpg?q=60&dpr=1&w=1248)
![People gathered on a forest road next to a parked Polestar 1.](https://www.polestar.com/dato-assets/11286/1575015943-ps1testdrivestory04.jpg?q=60&dpr=1&w=1248)
![A white Polestar 1 driving on a forest road.](https://www.polestar.com/dato-assets/11286/1575015948-ps1testdrivestory05.jpg?q=60&dpr=1&w=1248)
![A metallic Polestar 1 and a white Polestar 1 driving on a forest road.](https://www.polestar.com/dato-assets/11286/1575015951-ps1testdrivestory06.jpg?q=60&dpr=1&w=1248)
![Two people in front of a white Polestar 1 with the hood open.](https://www.polestar.com/dato-assets/11286/1575015952-ps1testdrivestory07.jpg?q=60&dpr=1&w=1248)
![A person pointing at the front of a white Polestar 1 with the hood open.](https://www.polestar.com/dato-assets/11286/1575015954-ps1testdrivestory08.jpg?q=60&dpr=1&w=1248)
![Front view of a white Polestar 1 driving on a forest road.](https://www.polestar.com/dato-assets/11286/1575015931-ps1testdrivestory01.jpg?q=60&dpr=1&w=1248)
![People gathered on a forest road next to a parked Polestar 1.](https://www.polestar.com/dato-assets/11286/1575015937-ps1testdrivestory02.jpg?q=60&dpr=1&w=1248)
![Close-up of the left front of a white Polestar 1.](https://www.polestar.com/dato-assets/11286/1575015941-ps1testdrivestory03.jpg?q=60&dpr=1&w=1248)
![People gathered on a forest road next to a parked Polestar 1.](https://www.polestar.com/dato-assets/11286/1575015943-ps1testdrivestory04.jpg?q=60&dpr=1&w=1248)
![A white Polestar 1 driving on a forest road.](https://www.polestar.com/dato-assets/11286/1575015948-ps1testdrivestory05.jpg?q=60&dpr=1&w=1248)
![A metallic Polestar 1 and a white Polestar 1 driving on a forest road.](https://www.polestar.com/dato-assets/11286/1575015951-ps1testdrivestory06.jpg?q=60&dpr=1&w=1248)
![Two people in front of a white Polestar 1 with the hood open.](https://www.polestar.com/dato-assets/11286/1575015952-ps1testdrivestory07.jpg?q=60&dpr=1&w=1248)
![A person pointing at the front of a white Polestar 1 with the hood open.](https://www.polestar.com/dato-assets/11286/1575015954-ps1testdrivestory08.jpg?q=60&dpr=1&w=1248)