Five questions for Tristan Eaton
Tristan Eaton is a Los Angeles-based (by way of Detroit) multidisciplinary artist and muralist.

We sat down with him at Art Basel 2019 in Miami, where a Polestar 1 that he’d painted was on display, to give him the five-question treatment.
What’s your favourite animal?Elephant.
If you could have a superpower, what would it be?I don’t know if it’s a superpower, exactly. Is it cheating if I say “eternal life”?
We’ll allow it.Awesome.
What’s a piece you’ve done that you’re particularly proud of?The posters for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign.
Which job would you like to have, if you didn’t have your current one?Owning and operating my own movie theatre.Sally Bricker (Tristan’s agent): No way! That’s what I want to do to! Tristan, I had no idea.Tristan: This is it Sally! This is the plan. This is what we’ll do when we’re rich.
Would you rather be able to run at 200 mph, or fly at 10 mph?Seriously? Fly, of course.