Polestar 1 meets the press

The Polestar 1 offers a driving experience unlike any other. We’ve been saying this for a while. And so far, the only people who could attest to it have been, well, Polestar people. Engineers, designers, and so on. Their opinions are qualified, but they’re definitely not unbiased.

Three Polestar 1 cars parked in line on a forest road.

So we invited the automotive press to try for themselves. Journalists from Norway, the US, Germany, Canada, the Netherlands, the UK, and Sweden (naturally) travelled to Gothenburg to sit behind the wheel and create their own Polestar driving experiences.

Every journalist who emerged from the car, whether after driving it themselves or riding shotgun for one of development engineer Joakim Rydholm’s “dynamic driving experiences”, had a smile on their face. Even the curtains of rain which signify a Swedish summer day couldn’t dampen people’s spirits. See a smattering of their thoughts below, and click on them to read the articles:


“This car is unlike anything that’s come before.”

Roadshow by CNET

“It’s the comfort/control bandwidth the car has that’s downright amazing.”

Top Gear

“It’s the (Polestar) 1’s assured nature that impresses most.”

Auto Express

“It might just be the best EV/PHEV driver’s car to date.”



Polestar Concecpt BST at Goodwood stand

What makes a car a sports car: The defining traits

When you hear the term "sports car," what comes to mind? Is it the image of a sleek, powerful machine zooming down an open road, the flashy and bold colour that your everyday car could never pull off? For us car enthusiasts, sports cars represent the pinnacle of driving pleasure. But what exactly makes a car a sports car? Let's dive into the defining traits that separate sports cars from the rest of the pack.