Journal 14
We presented the Polestar 2 online. It didn’t make sense to fly people in to witness the release of an electric car. We didn’t want to send those types of environmentally-unfriendly mixed signals. So we presented it online instead, making it available for everyone (even those who didn’t see it live) and minimising pollution in the process.

Geneva International Motor Show 2019
But we missed the personal interaction. We’re proud of the Polestar 2, and we want to show it off, but we also want to do it in person. We want to meet people who are just as excited about the Polestar journey as we are ourselves, and for all the positive aspects of the online presentation, that was one thing we missed.
So we took it to Geneva.
This wasn’t our first visit to the Geneva International Motor Show. We made a minimalistic, monochrome splash there in 2018 with the Polestar 1. Now it was the Polestar 2’s time to shine. Polestar’s electric ambitions given form, the 2 is the new standard bearer, heralding the direction that all Polestar cars are to take from now on. Premium. Avant-garde. And fully electric.
As both the next step in our journey and a precedent-setter in its own right, the Polestar 2 deserved a stand that would do it justice. Works of art are displayed in museums, not left in basements. That same principle applies here. The Geneva 2019 stand is a reflection of the car it’s there to showcase: both a natural next step and something possessed of its own unique characteristics.

Such as minimalism. Understated expression is crucial, especially in an environment crowded with screens, logos, and noise. This time, we maxed out the understatement, going almost aggressively minimalistic, shouting in monochrome. At first, the cars can’t even be seen. An enormous white wall is what initially meets the eye. The point is not to be foreboding, or to intimidate, but rather to be distinctive. Amongst all the waving flags and colourful displays, a white wall stands out. Furthermore, it creates a partially-enclosed inner space where the cars themselves are (more on that later), an island of calm appreciation in an ocean of noise. The sides consist of two metal-panelled facades with the star prominently displayed along with the golden counter, writing the next chapter in Polestar architecture.
The stand is understated, yes. But also replete with details that are another Polestar hallmark. The Polestar 2 specifications are displayed in the floor of the stand, directly in front of the car. A laser beam periodically lances across the white facade; both a visual representation of the electric nature of the Polestar 2, and an homage to the sci-fi we draw our inspiration from.
The Polestar 2 itself sits inside the stand, flanked by screens where people can configure the car to their liking (the online version of the configurator can be found below). The atmosphere within is carefully engineered to remove all obstacles on the way to the car, though the stand had so many interested visitors that taking a clear photo of the Polestar 2 became a serious challenge. We were almost forced to suspend our photographer from the ceiling like Ethan Hunt. Luckily he found some openings.
And we were thrilled with the outcome. Core values of the Polestar philosophy include minimalism, attention to detail, and the appreciation of design, as we’ve stated before. Being engaging is of equal importance. We want honest, two-way communication with those who appreciate what we’re doing. We like what we do. We like that you like it too. And we want to talk about it. We’re enthusiastic about eye-level interaction. This car is the first from Polestar to be fully electric, and as such, is the leader of the pack. All other Polestar cars will follow in its footsteps, blending electric performance and avant-garde design seamlessly. Of course we want to be able to show people the ins-and-outs of the Polestar 2, in a stand which is itself the logical next step of our journey. Now, you can see it for yourself.

From journalists filming walk-arounds to industry leaders taking notes, the Polestar 2 has seen no shortage of admirers. Speaking on the condition of anonymity (due to their position in the car industry), they had the following to say: