Polestar Shanghai

2019 saw the opening of our first two Polestar spaces, in Oslo and Beijing. Despite occupying a renovated turn of the century building and a modern design-oriented shopping mall respectively, the spaces have many things in common.

A white Polestar 1 on display in the Polestar Shanghai Space.
Polestar Shanghai North Gate, 1st floor, South area Jing An Kerry Centre, 1515 West Nanjing Road Jing An District, Shanghai

They both utilise minimalist, functional materials like glass and bare concrete. They both offer an active customer experience, with AR and VR solutions, interactive display walls, and reactive screens which show more information the closer you come. They both put the cars in focus. And soon, they won’t be the only spaces.


Shanghai is readying itself to throw open its doors, becoming yet another manifestation of the brand in real life, a waystation for those who are ready to start a journey of electrified, sustainable performance. It’s the first space to open in 2020. And it won’t be the last.

Polestar Shanghai is the first domino, to be followed by more in various locations around the globe, including Polestar’s hometown of Gothenburg.

Watch this space. There’ll be more coming.


Polestar Concecpt BST at Goodwood stand

What makes a car a sports car: The defining traits

When you hear the term "sports car," what comes to mind? Is it the image of a sleek, powerful machine zooming down an open road, the flashy and bold colour that your everyday car could never pull off? For us car enthusiasts, sports cars represent the pinnacle of driving pleasure. But what exactly makes a car a sports car? Let's dive into the defining traits that separate sports cars from the rest of the pack.