Set in stone

A goal set in stone is a commitment that cannot be changed or altered. Slightly daunting, perhaps. But when it comes to making climate action goals, these should be just that. Set in stone.

We know this is the crucial decade to bend the emission curve. At COP26, car brands will share their plans and visions to reach zero emissions. 

And that’s great. Making public goals is an excellent way to hold yourself accountable to reaching your objectives. Something anyone struggling with an unhealthy habit knows.

But just to make sure that these goals aren’t forgotten, but preserved and followed up, we’ve decided to take notes. In stone.

We will start by engraving our own: creating a truly climate neutral car by 2030.Halve our emissions by 2030. And be a climate neutral company by 2040.

Because COP26 may soon be over, but our industry’s visions must remain.


Polestar Concecpt BST at Goodwood stand

What makes a car a sports car: The defining traits

When you hear the term "sports car," what comes to mind? Is it the image of a sleek, powerful machine zooming down an open road, the flashy and bold colour that your everyday car could never pull off? For us car enthusiasts, sports cars represent the pinnacle of driving pleasure. But what exactly makes a car a sports car? Let's dive into the defining traits that separate sports cars from the rest of the pack.