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Polestar 2
Polestar 4
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Five questions for Susanne Blomster

Susanne has a hand in everything aesthetic, shaping the look, feel, and overall visual expression of the brand.

Smiling Susanne Blomster standing by her desk and holding a pen.

What’s the best part of your job?

Being part of a team that strives to make everything a little better, never settling. And we laugh a lot.

What’s something you’ve done here at Polestar that you’re immensely proud of?

I’m proud of everything I do here in the spirit of a brand that just keeps pushing boundaries.

What job would you like to have, if you didn’t have this one?

Hmmm, a vet.

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

Tough one, you could debate this forever...if I said “flying” that would be too obvious. But maybe the ability to speak every language in the world and therefore be able to travel anywhere and communicate with everyone I meet, on their terms.

Would you rather have to read aloud every time you read, or sing everything you say?

I spend way too much time considering these things, but seeing as I enjoy singing I’d have to choose that one. I look forward to being the most annoying person in the world.


Silhouette of lady standing in front of colourful digital art exhibition

How data is disrupting the art world - and can your car play a part?

Big Data is the buzziest of words. For some, it’s the dawn of a new era, ushing in new technologies and possibilities. For others, it’s about wealth and power – a ‘new oil’ to be harvested and sold. But is there more to Big Data than meets the eye? A select group of people are beginning to uncover a certain beauty and creativity hidden within the endless stream of ones and zeros. And guess what: your EV has a part to play, too.