Candela powered by Polestar: An electric future at sea

The electric revolution is creating a tidal wave of change. Together with our new partner Candela, we are riding this wave on our voyage toward a sustainable future, both on land and at sea.   

The Candela C-8 powered by Polestar

Our latest partner is Candela, the Swedish premium electric boat manufacturer. Together, we’re charting a course towards an electric future at sea. The new model is “pushing the boundaries of what electric boats and ships can do”. And better still, now it will be powered by Polestar.

Announced in August 2022, the partnership marks Polestar’s first time supplying charging componentry to a third party. The Candela C-8 will use the same battery pack and charging technology as the Polestar 2 Standard range Single motor, providing a range of up to 57 nautical miles on one charge. As a result, Candela C-8 will have a range two to three times longer than conventional electric speed boats.

In the words of Candela CEO Gustav Hasselskog: “The Candela C-8 is the first electric vessel that can travel to destinations that were previously only reachable by combustion engine boats”.

The computer guided hydrofoils

Thanks to its computer guided hydrofoils, the Candela C-8’s hull will lift above the water at high speeds. Once flying, the boat is balanced in real time by its flight controller, and computer that accounts for side winds, different loads, and waves. This also enables the Candela C-8 to use 80% less energy than comparable boats at high speeds.

While we cruise the roads, Candela flies above the waves. And together, we’re changing the tides while staying fully electric.


Rendering of Polestar Concept BST on track

Polestar Concept BST: Everything you need to know

All great performance cars are born out of passion, not necessity. They are objects of desire, with a singular purpose: pure driving pleasure. Every Polestar is special and thrilling to drive in its own unique way, but for those who want to be at the absolute bleeding edge of performance, we have BST.