A culturally relevant factory

Polestar Chengdu took the top spot on a list of artistic and cultural landmarks

Polestar Chengdu 1280 Tiangong Avenue Xinxing Street Chengdu, China

Everything Polestar makes has a specific purpose. But that doesn’t mean they’re restricted to that one role.

Polestar 1 is an electric performance hybrid whose purpose is to offer a connected, responsive driving experience like no other. But it can also be an all-electric daily driver. Or all of those things at the same time.

Polestar 2 is an avant-garde, all-electric car whose purpose is to seamlessly integrate into your digital life. But it can also be thrown around corners with all the wild abandon of a rally car. Or criss-cross the country while emitting exactly zero CO2. Or all of those things at the same time.

Polestar Chengdu is our production facility, whose purpose is to produce Polestar 1s at the rate of 500 per year, in addition to showcasing the brand to visitors via the experience centre. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be a destination unto itself. Or the number 1 artistic landmark in Chengdu.

Or all of those things at the same time.


Close-up of battery parts.

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