Curbing Concerns: EV batteries

EVs are becoming ever more popular. Something we're obviously very excited about.

However, obstacles to greater EV adoption remain. One of the biggest is the number of myths, misconceptions, and misunderstandings around the batteries that power these electric cars. Therefore, in an effort to remove these obstacles, we sat down with Polestar Lead Engineer Camilla M∅ller to discuss some of the most common ones.Learn more in this video.


The architecture of Space

The automotive showroom has undergone a revolution. The once generic architecture, with its focus on trade and unabashed masculinity, has transformed into something altogether more welcoming. The retail space is no longer designed for number crunching hard sells. Today’s car showrooms are spaces imagined entirely for the purpose of the more elusive yet priceless act of brand building. For Polestar – a marque without heritage, born into the electric age, and operating a digital-first model – the physical retail space plays a pivotal role in introducing, educating, and exciting the public. And so, the concept had to be pitch perfect from the start.