2020 GQ Car Awards

Thank you so much. It was an honour to even be nominated. We're truly humbled. We'd like to thank our families, our colleagues, our fans, and our customers all over the globe. Know that this wouldn't have been possible without you.

The 2020 GQ Car Awards trophy placed on a newspaper showing a page about Polestar 1.

We'd also like to thank Sweden, for your conditions, your long history of minimalist design, and your automotive know-how. We could never have grown into what we are today without the fertile soil of Scandinavia.


And last, but certainly not least, we'd like to thank GQ for giving the Polestar 1 the Best Hybrid Sports Car award. These awards are a confirmation that we're on to something. That we were right to trust in our products and our process.

Thank you everyone. There's even more coming.


Polestar Concecpt BST at Goodwood stand

What makes a car a sports car: The defining traits

When you hear the term "sports car," what comes to mind? Is it the image of a sleek, powerful machine zooming down an open road, the flashy and bold colour that your everyday car could never pull off? For us car enthusiasts, sports cars represent the pinnacle of driving pleasure. But what exactly makes a car a sports car? Let's dive into the defining traits that separate sports cars from the rest of the pack.