Google I/O: Thomas Ingenlath keynote

“We want to make Polestar the guiding star of the new era in the automotive industry.” So began Polestar CEO Thomas Ingenlath's keynote at Google I/O 2019. Speaking during a developer session entitled “What's New with Android for Cars,” the Polestar CEO introduced a room of developers, programmers, and journalists to the brand, the Polestar 2, and its Android Automotive operating system.

Thomas Ingenlath on stage presenting the Polestar 2.
We want to make Polestar the guiding star of the new era in the automotive industry.
Thomas Ingenlath, CEO at Polestar

The presence of Polestar at I/O may have been a question mark for some. So Thomas Ingenlath took the opportunity to break down the OS of the Polestar 2 for what it is: a unique opportunity for developers, and something unprecedented in the automotive world.

“For a long time, we’ve promised navigation that would be intuitive, that would be up to date, and we failed,” he explains. “The same with voice recognition. We had to do something radically different, so we teamed up with Google. And it was an amazing partnership.”

Taking the audience through an interactive presentation demonstrating the functionality of the Android-powered Google-equipped OS, Thomas Ingenlath showed what Polestar and Google have achieved. And if the applause (and huge amount of visitors to the Polestar booth) was any indication, the crowd was just as excited as he was.


Polestar Concecpt BST at Goodwood stand

What makes a car a sports car: The defining traits

When you hear the term "sports car," what comes to mind? Is it the image of a sleek, powerful machine zooming down an open road, the flashy and bold colour that your everyday car could never pull off? For us car enthusiasts, sports cars represent the pinnacle of driving pleasure. But what exactly makes a car a sports car? Let's dive into the defining traits that separate sports cars from the rest of the pack.