2 on tour: Toronto

Polestar 2 made its Canadian debut in Toronto, spending a few days at Union Station and throwing a party to celebrate the launch of Polestar Canada in Queen Anne West. The festivities gathered local luminaries and brought Polestar leadership to town, including Head of Polestar NA Gregor Hembrough, Global COO Jonathan Goodman, and Canada Country Manager Hugues Bissonette.


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We saved you a seat. Take a look at the all-new 100% electric Polestar 2.


Cam and Lana Graves with their Polestar 2

What's in my frunk: with Cam and Lana Graves

Welcome to episode two of ‘What’s in my frunk’, where we follow athletes and adventurers in their daily escapades and uncover the essentials in their trunk and frunk. Whether it’s snowboarding north of the Arctic Circle or endurance running in the South Island of New Zealand, there are no limits. Today, it’s all about the latter.